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Immagine del redattoreAdelio Debenedetti Guida

Aperitifs in the vineyard

The ideas to make Monferrato known do not only involve development and investment plans. As I said previously, an idea for developing a territory can have simple bases, such as an aperitif. What is territorial promotion in tasting an aperitif? A lot and not a little. First of all, the aperitif is a passion that we develop in Italy. The times that I have gone abroad I have never noticed the culture of the aperitif like here in Italy. And we in Piedmont have a great tradition of aperitifs. A few years ago, Massobrio on the occasion of Golosaria had established "L’Aperitivo alla Marengo". At the time I was the manager of my restaurant (Quarantuno in Alessandria) and we had studied a wine-based aperitif. Combining elements of the territory and promoting them with an aperitif is a simple and original idea

For the curious, here are some links explaining our aperitif.


https://365brindisi.wordpress.com/2016/12/16/brindisi-n-93-un-cocktail-ma-qua-per-adelio-e-il-suo-laboratorio-di-gusto-e-idee- 41 /

At the same time as this initiative in which I participated with enthusiasm, I was also collaborating with La Strada del Vino and together with Franco Priarone, companion of many territorial development adventures, we had created a series of cocktails called “Aperitivo in Strada”. They were always based on wine and there was Gavi in ​​Strada, Ovada in Strada, Acqui in Strada. It was an idea to make the area known by tasting an aperitif. Now I'm back on those steps and I'm offering "Aperitifs in the Vineyard". Aperitifs tasted directly in the vineyard, at sunset, chatting with friends who share the same passion: walking and getting to know the territory. These are the ingredients: knowing a wine producer who hosts you and who cares about his product. Make a small area available to you in one of his vineyards and on a fixed day communicated to the community, go to him to be together. Investment cost: zero indeed. The winemaker collects the drink. Perhaps one of the few times where a promotional action makes you cash in immediately and doesn't make you spend on promotional campaigns. Our initiatives are published on our APP (http://wix.to/ZUCoCBg?ref=2_cl) just answer that you will participate. Nothing more. The initiative started on June 4th from Franco Priarone and we are spreading the word so that there are passionate winemakers who want to make the territory and their production known. Speaking of this initiative to the Mayor of Cartosio, the idea was born to bring this "nightlife" to the square. Cartosio has an open space covered by a canopy that welcomes everyone, even us walkers when we go hiking in the Cartosio Ponzone ring. Generally, the Mayor organizes a welcome with local companies (producers of cheeses, cured meats and winemakers) and we spend an hour in joy and carefree after traveling 10 km with 500 meters. in altitude. The most important fact is that in the group there are hikers who come from Turin, Milan, Brescia, Genoa, Novara, Vercelli, who will surely remember Cartosio because they will always remain tied to that memory, to that emotion. With my association I intend to relive these emotions every time my hikers, so that they can fall in love with this territory and can return to the territory, developing a tourist flow. These are just ideas and you have to put them into practice to allow the induced engine to work. The promotion of the territory has always involved me because we have a beautiful territory that deserves to be known. I have participated in several technical discussions with the institutions, I have seen pharaonic projects, with highly respected consultants who have made analyzes, flows, diagrams. The fact remains that I have never heard in these conferences that the territory can be promoted with the good will of those who live there. I have always heard that investments, infrastructures, organizations, institutions dedicated to promotion are needed, which inevitably are or will be politicized. Are we sure that all this serves to make the territory known? I still think that a good glass of wine drunk in company with people who share my passion is the best way to make a territory known. If you like to try as a participant in our Aperitifs in the Vineyard or as a producer interested in the initiative, just contact me. Together with my hikers, I will come to know your territory, your products and for sure we will talk about it to other people who share our passion. An aperitif can be a territorial marketing idea.

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