🟡 Cartosio Ponzone linear path
Time to be defined
|Piazza Umberto Terracini
Between churches and chapels on the path that leads to the second belvedere in Italy of c. To 13 km which placed at the second most beautiful belvedere in Italy as declared by the Touring Club. The path touches a sanctuary with a very scenic via crucis. Climb to the Cartosio Tower.

Orario & Sede
Time to be defined
Piazza Umberto Terracini, Piazza Umberto Terracini, 15015 Cartosio AL, Italia
Path that runs through part of the mountains above the area of Acqui terme which touches the town of Cartosio, where man's presence dates back to the Neolithic period. On the square stands an ancient and visitable Tower. Along the path, easy encounters with fauna such as roe deer and birds of prey. The path is between colorful rocks and churches, one of which has an amphitheater formed by votive chapels. Once in Ponzone you can enjoy the most beautiful viewpoint in Italy, as defined by the Touring Club. This town houses the Piedmontese Raphael in the church of Moncalvo and many are its typical products, some of which with organic certification (wines, honey, robiole, saffron, meats from Piedmontese cattle and among the cured meats, the "baccanhalia", a hazelnut salami). We will walk in the nature that gives these fruitful
12km, displ. 300 diff. E. To purchase the ticket, go to our Wix APP at this link http://wix.to/JcDeAIM
Cartosio linear path
Excursion June 13